施正荣博士美国普林斯顿大学报告会 |
10.26(Mon) 19:00 Friend Center 101 ACSSPU Invited Talk Series施正荣博士报告会 2005年中国首富,海归博士创业经验分享 It is a great honor that ACSS can invite Dr. Shi to give a speech onthe chances and risk to start career in China after studying abroad,and share some of his experience. Dr. Shi is the CEO at Suntech Power(无锡尚德电力有限公司). http://www.suntech-power.com/H Location:Friend Center 101 Time:10.26(Monday) 19:00 SEATSLIMITED! Come Early to get the seat! |
Fall Break Hiking 秋游 (sign up required) |
10.31(The first Sat in fall break) West Point (西点军校) and Seven Lakes and Bear Mountain State Park Still remember the amazing hiking with classmates in high school or inuniversities? Wanna to give rid of the terrible days of mid-term test?ACSSPU bring you this wonderful opportunity! You can enjoy the storiesof West Point, the beautiful lake and colorful leaves in Bear MountainState Park, and also enjoy great fun with so many friends! We will first visit West Point in the morning by rental bus. Then wewill have lunch and play at seven lakes and bear mountain in theafternoon. Leaving at 7:45 a.m. at Graduate College in the morning andcoming back at around 7:30 p.m. in the evening. Bring some food forlunch, and we will provide soup and some fruits. To Sign up, please send an email to pu.acss@gmail.com withthe title “秋游注册” or “Fall Break Hiking”. Remember to bring your PASSPORTor DRIVER'S LICENSEwith you. Cooperated by Princeton Christian Church Campus Fellowship. |
Annual Basketball Game 新老生篮球赛 |
The second Saturday after FallBreak, Nov 28th The annual Chinese graduate students' Basketball Game is in its making!After fall break, we will host a Basketball Game for all years in theDillon Gym. A team from each year will compete against each other forhonor and prize. To Sign-up, please email to 1st Year: zhayunlai@gmail.com 2nd Year: fding@princeton.edu 3rd Year: qiangliu@princeton.edu 4th Year: yiyuewu@princeton.edu Back to Top |
10.25 14:00-18:00 中国科技大学美国招聘会 |
@Room 303 Mudd Building,Columbia University For more information see http://www.ustcif.org/default. Back to Top |
ACSSPU wants to thank you for all your support in the past years. Without your help, ACSSPU can not achieve so much. And I believe, with your help, we can achieve much more in the following year. Happy Thanksgiving!
As you know, during Thanksgiving, ACSSPU will hold two interesting activities.
Kara OK Night (Black Friday Nov.27) 20:30-24:00 NGC Projector Room
We believe you guys already miss the Kara OK time back in China. Make sure you will not miss this time. Drinks and refreshment served.
Basketball Tournament (Saturday, Nov.28) 13:30-16:30 Dillon gym
Four teams will join this game. We welcome all the students to come. During the break time, we will have a special game for girls, whose score will contribute to the team of her year. Winner of the audience will get a T-shirt designed by ACSSPU.
Enjoy your thanksgiving, and have a good time!
Best Wishes,
Saturday (Oct 10th 2009)
6:30 p.m. ~ 9:30 p.m.
New Carl A. Fields Center (58 Prospect Ave)
Our annual Mid-Autumn celebration is this Saturday! Come join us at
18:30pm at the new Carl A. Fields Center for:
- Free mooncakes, milk-tea, and other Chinese cuisine
- 月饼,珍珠奶茶,及其它中式点心
- Amazing performances by both Princeton students and guests from other universities, including: Fashion Show, Xiang Sheng, singing, dancing, Chinese instrument
performance, comedy and much more! - 普林斯顿研究生和本科生的节目,以及来自其它学校的精彩演出,包括 Princeton新生fashion show, Rutgers相声,Upenn舞蹈,等等
- Games and a night of celebration for the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival with other Chinese friends!
- 多种游戏,有包括ipod在内的各种奖品,
Don't miss out! Mark the date and be on time! We are expecting a large increase of students attending this year! Free with PUID, $5 for others.
Fall Break Hiking 秋游 (sign up required)
first Saturday of Fall Break, Oct 31st
Seven Lakes and Bear Mountain State Park in New York State With a brief visit to the West Point Military Academy (西点军校)
Coach Bus Offered (no need to have a license)
Still remember the amazing hiking with classmates in high school or in universities? Wanna to give rid of the terrible days of mid-term test? ACSSPU bring you this wonderful opportunity! You can enjoy the beautiful lake, colorful leaves, and also enjoy great fun with so many
Send email to pu.acss@gmail.com
with title 秋游注册 for reservation.
Annual Basketball Game 新老生篮球赛
first Saturday after Fall Break, Nov 14th
The annual Chinese graduate students' Basketball Game is in its making!
After fall break, we will host a Basketball Game for all years in the Dillon Gym. A team from each year will compete against each other for honor and prize. More information about team formation will be sent out shortly.
ACSSPU Websites 中国学生会博客
Daily Activities as Basketball Games, Movie and Poker Night…
ACSSPU Events as Mid-Autumn Gala, Fall Break Hiking…
Useful Communication Tool as chatting, new family plan announcement…
Student Charity Concert by DCS
The Distinguished Citizen Society at Princeton University proudly presents a student charity concert named "Dedicated to Care in Sounds", which will take place at 7 PM on October 11 (Sunday) in Taplin Auditorium, Fine Hall, Princeton University. Over ten classical western and Chinese music pieces will be performed by students in Princeton University as well as specially invited guests.
All tickets and all donations will be collected and split in half for the following two purposes: first, to support education in China rural area; second, to relieve the victims of the natural disaster Typhoon
Morakot in Taiwan.
The raised fund will go to OCEF (http://www.ocef.org) and Tzu Chi Foundation (http://www.us.tzuchi.org) respectively. We warmly welcome you to the concert. Donation box will
be available outside Taplin Auditorium during the whole concert.
Time: 7 PM, Oct. 11 (Sunday)
Venue: Taplin Auditorium, Fine Hall, Princeton University
Ticket price: regular $10, VIP $30
Contact: dcspu@princeton.edu
Tickets at $10 and $30 (VIP) available through dcspu@princeton.edu, or
during Davis International Center’s Thursday lunches 10/1 and 10/8,
12noon-1pm, Murray Dodge
Basement. Also in Equad Cafe at Wednesday noon.
Event sponsored by DCS-Princeton, Davis International Center,
OCEF, GSG Event Board, DCS-International.
普林斯顿大学杰青会将于10月11日晚上7点举办名为“关爱一声”的学生慈善音乐会,诚邀您的参加。本次活动有幸得到普林斯顿大学国际学生中心、中国海外教育基金会、以及国际杰人会的支持与协助,诣在筹集募捐资助中国贫困地区教育事业以及帮助台湾莫拉克台风后的重建。届时将由普林斯顿的研究生、本科生以及校外 特邀嘉宾为您呈献十余首国内外经典曲目的演绎,奏响我们对奉献爱心的渴望。
地点:Taplin Auditorium, Fine Hall, Princeton University
票价:普通 $10,VIP $30
售票地点:10月7日周三中午12点至1点于Equad Cafe, 10月8日周四中午12点至1点 于Murray Dodge
Deal All ACSSPU members,
我想60周年国庆,对于我们这些留学生来说,算是一个非常令人激动和兴奋的日子了。而且,这是属于我们自己的节日!记得10年以前的今天,我曾经非常荣幸的站在天安门广场上做为背景图案12万人中的一员,见证了共和国 50岁的生日。回首这十几年以来共和国的历程,我想大家一定忘不了98年的抗洪救灾,08年南方的雪灾,还有08年的512汶川地震给我们带来的那份沉重;我想大家也一定忘不了去年夏天我们成功举办的“无与伦比“ 的北京奥运会给我们带来的骄傲;当然,我想我们大家也一定不会忘记,08年奥运会圣火在世界传递过程中受到的种种曲折,以及在海内外的炎黄子孙的空前团结,它是一种感动,也是一份责任。我想,在今天,这60年的坎坷经历、辉煌成就、和坚强的决心,将化为阅兵式上那一声声坚实的正步,将化为在天安门上空翱翔而过的战机的轰鸣,将化为晚会中每个人心中的那份欢乐与幸福,当然,也必将化为我们这些海外学子的的激动与责任。
首先是今天晚上。中央台将直播国庆的阅兵式。直播的开始时间是美国东部时间晚上9:45,国庆典礼仪式开始时间是晚上10:00。鉴于今天是周三,很多同学第二天一早还要去上课或者做实验,此外还有公开播放画面质量的问题,所以我们就不准备在今天晚上集体组织大家观看典礼了。我们将在之后第一时间拿到典礼的 DVD,并选择一个周末播放给大家看。虽然不集体组织大家观看,不过同学们还是有很多途径看到这个直播的。具体详见 http://acsspu.blogspot.com/
网上直播: 同学们可以登录CCTV的官方网站www.cctv.com。里面有直播的链接: http://zhibo.guoqing.cctv.com/special/gqzb/p2p/index.shtml。请使用IE浏览器,并根据提示安装插件。速度比较流畅。
电视直播: 电视可以接收到CCTV4的同学,可以在电视上直接收看。这对于一些在Lawrence等apartment住并自己装了cable的同学是适用的。可以接收到信号的同学,欢迎大家在网站上 http://acsspu.blogspot.com/留言,以便其它同学可以就近集中观看。
其次呢,我们将在周五晚上播放国庆献礼影片《建国大业》。具体详见 http://acsspu.blogspot.com/ 这部影片的放映得到了中国广播电影电视总局的大力支持,在国内还没有正式发售DVD的时候就将正版DVD寄送给我们,表达了祖国人民对我们这些海外学子的格外关心。鉴于这部电影并不在美国公映,所以我想这次机会非常难得,欢迎大家观看。
6:30P.M. on Wednesday (10/7) at Dillon!
Oct 10th(Saturday) 18:30 - 22:00 @ new Carl A. Fields Center

a benefit concert, 7pm, Sunday October 11, Taplin Auditorium, Fine Hall.
Princeton students and invited guests will present classical
western and Chinese instrumental pieces. Proceeds and donations will
equally support education in China’s rural areas through Overseas China
Education Fund http://www.ocef.org and assist victims of Typhoon Morakot in Taiwan through Tzu Chi Foundation http://www.us.tzuchi.org . A donation box will be available outside of
the concert hall.
lunches 10/1 and 10/8, 12noon-1pm, Murray Dodge
Organized by Distinguished Citizens at Princeton University, co-sponsored with Davis International Center, OCEF,
GSG Event Board, DCS-International.
地点:Taplin Auditorium,
Fine Hall, Princeton University
票价:普通 $10,VIP $30
Zhang Yue, one of China's best-known business leaders and an advocate of sustainable building practices, will deliver a lecture titled "A Sustainable Building Revolution: Chinese-Style" at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 24, in the Friend Center Convocation Room.
Zhang is the chairman of Broad Air Conditioning and vice chair of the United Nations Environment Program's Sustainable Buildngs and Climate Initiative. In his role with the U.N. initiative, he drafted a proposal earlier this year for indicators and measurements to create a standard for building energy efficiency.
Zhang will show a short movie about the sustainable building that was erected at the Broad corporate campus in Changsha, Hunan Province. He also will speak on the fundamental principles of energy-efficient buildings, the economic and environmental value of non-electric air conditioning, his U.N. work and his vision of creating a sustainable building revolution.
The event is sponsored by the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations and the Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education.
Here is an article by James Fallows from the Atlantic magazine talkingabout Broad:

4. 学生团购* (请联系CSSA@NYU票务总监孙轶敏(Jack Sun)Email: ys879@stern.nyu.edu 电话:214-566-8233)。
1. Co-presidents: Fei Ding (G) & Zhihan Ma (U)
For the first time, the ACSS presidency is held by both graduate and undergraduate student. It shows our commitment to making ACSS as a family for both Graduate and Undergraduate students. By adding a presidency position, we wish to let undergraduate students feel more involved and show that U and G are equal at ACSS. The other reason for this position is to give opportunities to great undergraduate students and make our service better, because we did not have the option to select undergraduate student as the president, and some undergraduate students are as good as, or even better than us graduate students.
Zhihan Ma, is a junior undergraduate student. She has working experience on more than six student organizations' board. As a combination of a very nice person and an expert in undergraduate organization and public affairs, there is no reason not to select her as co-president. We hope Zhihan will bring much better corporations with other students organizations, and have much more financial support from the undergraduate sector.
2. Vice-president: Yupeng Liu & Lei Qi
VPs are in charge of big events, and also assistants to presidents and chairs with daily work.
Yupeng Liu is also a undergraduate student, second year. She is one of the main characters in 暗恋桃花源, and director of 雷雨. Thus, we have great confidence in her competence. Combined with her kind-heartedness, Yupeng undeniably suits this role.
Lei Qi is a third year graduate student. He was involved in the last ACSS, and was very well-received. He is especially recommended by last president Wenzhe Cao. Thus, we believe that he can bring us a lot of experience, and make a great success in this position.
3. Social Chair: Haifeng Luo
Besides the usual work of a social chair, this year, all athlete chairs' and special event chairs' work is rearranged into social chairs' work. So social chairs take in charge of all the U/G daily life. We hope to find him some helper later into the semester.
Haifeng Luo is a second year graduate student. Most would agree that he is the best choice for this position. He has a lot of good graduate friends, and is also very popular among the undergraduate students. Besides, he enjoys—and is good at—socializing. Thus, this social chair position fits him very well.
4. New Students Representative: Zhexing Wang & Jingke Xu
This is a traditional position. They are in charge of all the details of new students' life. They have a big burden, lots of deadlines, urgent and difficult problems, and time-consuming works. Their work is not only helpful and meaningful, but also responsible for the future of ACSS.
Zhenxing Wang is a fourth year graduate student. He is really famous for his kind-heart. He holds movie and poker nights nearly every week, which is an essential part of many graduate students' social life. He also has lots of experience in picking up new students, and thus we put the burden of the insurance of the success in helping new students onto his shoulders.
Jingke Xu is a second year graduate student. His kindness and warm heart impresses the people around him, which is why he is invited to help new students. He already did a great job in responding new students' emails, and made the schedule for picking up new students. He is the new blood for this traditional work.
5. Broadcasting Chair: Rong Ge
We are going to make a good, useful, helpful and powerful website this year. We are also going to make big changes in daily and event broadcasting.
Rong Ge is the main operator of this reform. He is a second year CS student. His expert in website technologies is the firm base, while his enthusiasm is the key to getting ultimate success. We also wish to find him helpers, first-years preferably.
6. Treasurer: Meng Zhang
He is the richest guy in ACSS, taking care of all the money :)
Meng Zhang is the best financial expert we can have. He is always telling his friends how to save money, how to spend money wisely, and how to prevent wasting. Thus, he is highly recommended for our financial advisor to everyone. We believe that a swimming pool can’t let him fully exercise, and we should give him a sea to see how good he can do.
7. Public Affair Chair and Secretary: Tianshu Sun
The last introduction is our public affair chair, Tianshu. She is also the secretary of ACSS.
This position is a new position. One reason for this is because cooperation and financial support are really important for our ACSS, and we are going to make huge improvement of it this year. So we need more talented and experienced persons. Another reason is that the combination of secretary with this chair can make better convenience and efficiency.
Tianshu is a second year undergraduate student. She works in several boards of undergraduate organizations, also acted in 暗恋桃花源 and 雷雨. Her organizing competence and enthusiasm impressive and she gave many good suggestions about ACSS structure from the beginning of the buildup of the committee. She has many novel ideas about her work and is also very prudent. This position might even have wronged her.
Highlight News and Events
9.21 Welcome President Hu visiting New York, US
What: Welcome President Hu to the United States
When: Sept. 21, 9:00—11:00a.m.
Where: New York City (transportation will be provided)
Our very own, the lovely President Hu Jintao will be visiting the United States this Sept! To show our respect and love for our president, we will go to NYC to welcome the president. Free transportation to NYC, along with national flags and slogan will be provided. Please contact us if you wish to attend this honorable event on Sept 21.
ACSS News and Events
9.15 ACSSPU New Students Welcome Party
What: ACSSPU Welcome Party for New Students
When: 7:30p.m. to 9:00p.m, Sept. 15
Where: GC coffee house
Why: For new students, you can social with other Chinese students, introduce yourself to us, make friends, and learn what ACSSPU will do for you, and MORE ...
For senior students, it is a great chance to see new faces!
Representative from PNC bank will be presented to help new students open bank accounts. For each new account opened, the new student earns $100 and the person who picked up that student earns $25.
10.10 Mid-Autumn Gala
What: Mid-Autumn Gala for the celebration of the traditional Chinese holiday, Mid-Autumn Festival
When: Oct. 10
Where: New Carl A. Fields Center
Different Room, Different Staging,
Different Faces, Different Performances.
As pre-notice, we can tell you that besides of traditional shows, we are going to have professional performances form NYC, and wonderful shows from Columbia, NJIT, Rutgers, UMDNJ, Rider, and so on. Of course, PCT will also give a pre-show of their new performance. Food is also enjoyable, as always.
ACSS Announcement
ACSS committee 2009: (see detailed introduction below)
Co-presidents: Fei Ding (G) & Zhihan Ma (U)
Vice-president: Yupeng Liu (U) & Lei Qi (G)
Social Chair: Haifeng Luo (G)
New Students Representative: Zhexing Wang (G) & Jingke Xu (G)
Broadcasting Chair: Rong Ge (G)
Treasurer: Meng Zhang (G)
Public Affair Chair and Secretary: Tianshu Sun (U)
China UnionPay中国银联
All the expenses concerning the pick-up of new students
China UnionPay provide a easy, cheap way to bring money from China to US. For example, using China debit card to get cash in US, you only need to pay about ¥24 for $700. See more details below.
PNC bank, Princeton branch
Sponsor for Mid-Autumn Gala
PNC bank, Princeton branch provide members from ACSS $100 for opening new accounts and $25 for referrers. See more details below.
Other Related Events
Intercollege Pingpong Competition:
When: Sunday, Sept. 13
Where: SPIN Pingpong Club in NYC
Why: for the celebration of China’s 60 birthday
Several prestigious guests(see below for details) are invited to this game. If you are interested, please contact us immediately so that we have sufficient time to form a team to compete.
Introduction to New ACSS committee
1. Co-presidents: Fei Ding (G) & Zhihan Ma (U)
For the first time, the ACSS presidency is held by both graduate and undergraduate student. It shows our commitment to making ACSS as a family for both Graduate and Undergraduate students. By adding a presidency position, we wish to let undergraduate students feel more involved and show that U and G are equal at ACSS. The other reason for this position is to give opportunities to great undergraduate students and make our service better, because we did not have the option to select undergraduate student as the president, and some undergraduate students are as good as, or even better than us graduate students.
Zhihan Ma, is a junior undergraduate student. She has working experience on more than six student organizations' board. As a combination of a very nice person and an expert in undergraduate organization and public affairs, there is no reason not to select her as co-president. We hope Zhihan will bring much better corporations with other students organizations, and have much more financial support from the undergraduate sector.
2. Vice-president: Yupeng Liu & Lei Qi
VPs are in charge of big events, and also assistants to presidents and chairs with daily work.
Yupeng Liu is also a undergraduate student, second year. She is one of the main characters in 暗恋桃花源, and director of 雷雨. Thus, we have great confidence in her competence. Combined with her kind-heartedness, Yupeng undeniably suits this role.
Lei Qi is a third year graduate student. He was involved in the last ACSS, and was very well-received. He is especially recommended by last president Wenzhe Cao. Thus, we believe that he can bring us a lot of experience, and make a great success in this position.
3. Social Chair: Haifeng Luo
Besides the usual work of a social chair, this year, all athlete chairs' and special event chairs' work is rearranged into social chairs' work. So social chairs take in charge of all the U/G daily life. We hope to find him some helper later into the semester.
Haifeng Luo is a second year graduate student. Most would agree that he is the best choice for this position. He has a lot of good graduate friends, and is also very popular among the undergraduate students. Besides, he enjoys—and is good at—socializing. Thus, this social chair position fits him very well.
4. New Students Representative: Zhexing Wang & Jingke Xu
This is a traditional position. They are in charge of all the details of new students' life. They have a big burden, lots of deadlines, urgent and difficult problems, and time-consuming works. Their work is not only helpful and meaningful, but also responsible for the future of ACSS.
Zhenxing Wang is a fourth year graduate student. He is really famous for his kind-heart. He holds movie and poker nights nearly every week, which is an essential part of many graduate students' social life. He also has lots of experience in picking up new students, and thus we put the burden of the insurance of the success in helping new students onto his shoulders.
Jingke Xu is a second year graduate student. His kindness and warm heart impresses the people around him, which is why he is invited to help new students. He already did a great job in responding new students' emails, and made the schedule for picking up new students. He is the new blood for this traditional work.
5. Broadcasting Chair: Rong Ge
We are going to make a good, useful, helpful and powerful website this year. We are also going to make big changes in daily and event broadcasting.
Rong Ge is the main operator of this reform. He is a second year CS student. His expert in website technologies is the firm base, while his enthusiasm is the key to getting ultimate success. We also wish to find him helpers, first-years preferably.
6. Treasurer: Meng Zhang
He is the richest guy in ACSS, taking care of all the money :)
Meng Zhang is the best financial expert we can have. He is always telling his friends how to save money, how to spend money wisely, and how to prevent wasting. Thus, he is highly recommended for our financial advisor to everyone. We believe that a swimming pool can’t let him fully exercise, and we should give him a sea to see how good he can do.
7. Public Affair Chair and Secretary: Tianshu Sun
The last introduction is our public affair chair, Tianshu. She is also the secretary of ACSS.
This position is a new position. One reason for this is because cooperation and financial support are really important for our ACSS, and we are going to make huge improvement of it this year. So we need more talented and experienced persons. Another reason is that the combination of secretary with this chair can make better convenience and efficiency.
Tianshu is a second year undergraduate student. She works in several boards of undergraduate organizations, also acted in 暗恋桃花源 and 雷雨. Her organizing competence and enthusiasm impressive and she gave many good suggestions about ACSS structure from the beginning of the buildup of the committee. She has many novel ideas about her work and is also very prudent. This position might even have wronged her.
If you would like to help, please leave your name, contact information, shopping location, time and place to meet by commenting this post.
If you are going to shopping, and need a ride, please leave your name, contact information, shopping location, time range here.
Any questions and suggestions, pls contact us at pu.acss@gmail.com
Thank you!
If you are planning to open a new family plan, and need 'family' members, please leave your name, contact information, carrier and plan details by commenting this post.
If you are going to join a family plan, please leave your name, contact information, preferred carrier and plan details by commenting this post.
Any questions and suggestions, pls contact us at pu.acss@gmail.com.

CIE-USA/GNYC 2009 Student Poster Contest
Oct 31, 2009 at Marriott Hotel, Newark International Airport, Newark, NJ
Organized by the Chinese Institute of Engineers-USA/Greater New York Chapter (CIE-USA/GNYC)
The annual Student Poster Contest of Chinese Institute of Engineers-USA/Greater New York Chapter (CIE-USA/GNYC) aims to provide a platform for undergraduate/graduate students (not restricted to Chinese ethnic group) to present their research work and get feedback from established researchers as well as general audience. More importantly, students can expand their network and benefit from exchanging ideas, approaches and tips with their peers. The contest welcomes submissions of 3-page papers in two general areas: 1. electrical and computer engineering and computer science, 2. biological science/engineering. Interdisciplinary research within the above two areas is welcome.
Submission Requirements
Submission must be in the form of pdf. The paper should be typed in double columns with no longer than 3 pages (including references) and in font size of no smaller than 11 points. Each paper must include an abstract, 3 keywords, the authors’ affiliation and complete contact information (address, tel, email). Submissions should be made by email to: kxi@poly.edu.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: Sept. 10, 2009
Acceptance Notification: Oct. 15, 2009
Post Presentation: Oct. 31, 2009
Contact Person
Prof. Kang Xi (Polytechnic Institute of NYU)
For 2009 new students, if you need a cellphone plan, please go here. If you need a ride to shopping centers, please go here.
Welcome to Princeton University!
When you get your US visa successfully, you can book your flight. Two things to remember: 1. Airports. There are two International Airport around Princeton within 1hr drive. One is Newark International Airport (EWR), and the other one is Philadelphia International Airport (PHL). Avoid JFK, since traffic through New York City is nearly impossible.
2. Book tickets with your new friends, and come as a group if you can.
After you get the air ticket, you can contact acsspu to help you find a volunteer to pick you up. Please write the email at least 10 days before your planned arrival. Tell us your name, flight number, arrival date/time, luggage size and amount, as well as how many people are coming together.
OK, now you may be wondering what to bring, what to prepare, and be very anxious to the new life! Here are some guides you can read. They are useful to your preparation, as well as your life at Princeton.
Don't forget to email acsspu to join in our association!
Hope you have a wonderful life at Princeton!